Hiya, peeps! So this month, I had my last appointment EVER at the maxillofacial clinic. It's DONE. My bones filled in the gaps left in my jaw and I’m basically a fully-healed human Terminator. Eating a granola bar is still arduous but even without surgery, it’s a chewy challenge on the best of days. But! As foreshadowed in the last newsletter, I DID get myself a bag of Ruffles a few weeks ago and it was as every bit as enjoyable as I thought it would be.
My God, MCAF! What a bonkers edition we had! I won the Bédélys Québec award for Utown?! That set the tone for the rest of the weekend; once the award stickers were on the books, I pretty much signed non-stop for the entire week-end. I also took part in a nice talk with Gabriel Bà and Wes Craig, two cartoonists in a whole other league. The talk was recorded, I'm told, so I'll shoot you guys the link as soon as it becomes available. The other big highlight of the festival was tabling with Oni Press, the American publisher of Utown in English. They also publish Scott Pilgrim, no big deal. Utown was sold out at Nouvelle Adresse and Oni on Sunday afternoon. I still can’t believe how well the book did, considering it’s exactly one year old. Anyway, thank you to everyone who attended to the various events and to the festival itself. You rule.
Utown was released in Spanish on May 25, with Ediciones la Cùpula. It’s really cool seeing my book cross the Atlantic!
I did not have many occasions to take pictures during the winter so I was happy to bring my camera to Quebec and do a few pictures in Saint-Henri as well.
With the Montreal Comiccon coming up in July, I’ll try to prepare a new batch of prints for the event. I would like to finish my collection of old analog junk, correct and print this illustration of Étienne and draw another fanart of Legend of Zelda, because I'm playing right now really enjoying myself. Keep your eyes open for new merch in the store!
That's it for May! Enjoy the beginning of summer and see you at the beginning of July :)
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Cool stuff
In my ears: Midnight Heavyweight by InTechnicolour. It's a perfect mix of heavy guitar riffs and atmosphere and often, when the album is finished, I start it over. Listen to The Wave and you’ll get it. It's fantastic.
Cool artist: Micheal Carlson. His pictures of Pittsburgh are like perfect comic book establishing shots. I feel like redrawing all his pictures and keeping their wonderful palette, you know?
Artist vs. Algorithm — Can illustrators survive on video-hungry platforms? “I’m left trying to ignore a troubling question. If I know that what I make doesn’t really have much chance of being seen anymore, then what is the point of making it? And I know the answer is the same as it has always been, because the problem is the same as it has always been.”
Cool thing: The painter Robert Townsend bought Kodachrome slides on eBay and became fascinated with what they contained. He now makes huge oil paintings and he even made a film about his unlikely muse named My Indiana Muse.