Sep 3Liked by Cab

Are documentary recommendations okay? I love Hype!, the doc about the rise of the Seattle music scene. I believe Tubi still has it available for free.

Because of that NOFX final tour, I've gotten into the work of Joel Abad, the guy who did the artwork for this tour's graphics. His work is slick, but it has enough grit to get the punk feel across.

I make playlists because I love making covers for them. I get to live out the album cover desires I had when I first got into illustration and graphic design. :)

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Sep 3Author

Documentaries are totally okay! I have a backlog of music docs I wanna watch and I'm adding this one to the list :) The NOFX show had a punk museum on the grounds, an entire tent showcasing original artwork, tributes, photos and prints of different eras/bands. I thought it was SO COOL. And yeah, making playlist covers is one of life's pleasure :P

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I hope you enjoy Hype! when you eventually get to it. I've watched it many times!

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I would recommend the Spawn Movie soundtrack

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